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  • studentsofgvsu


For my word Anxiety, I can draw a lot from my person life. I have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was eleven. Throughout all my years in school I was always the loud and outgoing girl. I was Involved in sports, in class discussions, and now currently belong in a sorority here at GVSU. But through all of that I was constantly worrying about what others thought of me, or the thousands of possible what if scenarios that ran through my mind. I was scared to be myself, scared about if I was too being loud or not loud enough, worried if people, even family didn’t like me. Thoughts like this race through your mind constantly no matter how hard you try to push them out. I’ve tried countless medications, went to therapist after therapist, the whole shebang. I actually ended up developing insomnia related to my anxious thoughts keeping me awake at night. But no one assumes I have mental illness because of the way I carry myself when I’m in public, the way I represent myself on my social media, etc. Thankfully, after years of work I have found ways to cope with my illness and found the right combination of medicine for me.

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