This is a hard word to discuss, as it can be thought about in many different ways and brings up many feelings. At first, I think of depression as powerful and controlling. Personally, I have experienced depression for much of my college career and on and off during high school. I believe a lot of it stems from being an agnostic member of the LGBTQ+ community that grew up in an extremely conservative Christian household. I really struggled to come to terms with myself, my family, and the world around me. I was confused about my faith and what the purpose of life really was. these issues were all-consuming, and I spiraled into depression and anxiety because of it. To be honest, I still struggle with these things sometimes. However, now I think of depression as more of an obstacle; it can slow me down, but it can't stop me. I am in control of my destiny - not my parents, not their religion, not my hometown, not my past choices, nothing. It's not easy, and I do need help along the way, but I've finally been able to get to a point where I can say it doesn't control me anymore. I've now felt the happiness and joy that comes from that realization, and it's more powerful than depression could ever hope to be.